Today in Cartoon HistoryCrawley Films' Return to Oz is Released Sun Feb. 09, 1964 - Crawley Films' animated feature film Return to Oz is released.
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ToonJet Classic Cartoon BlogTop 10 Best 3D Animated Films of all TimeWho doesn't like a good animated movie? The past few years have seen a boom in 3D animated movies, and I will try to sum up the best of the best of the least worst and leave out the worst of the most bad. On top of the latest and greatest, it includes a couple of the classics. The art and the industry have already begun to change and expand...
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Betty Boop: Bimbo's Express
Betty Boop (with dog's ears) is moving; Bimbo comes with his moving van and is smitten with her. Songs: "Moving Day,"...
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Betty Boop: Happy You and Merry Me
A stray kitten wanders into Betty Boop's house, gets sick on candy, and is cured with catnip by Betty and Pudgy the pup.
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Betty Boop: Stop That Noise
Betty lives in the city, where all she hears all day is noise, noise, noise! She decides it's time to get away, so she...
Views: 95.4K
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Shared: 29 times
Betty Boop: A Song a Day
Betty Boop owns an animal hospital. Cats, dogs, and other animals have their various ailments. Betty tends to their...
Views: 90.6K
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Shared: 4 times
Betty Boop: A Little Soap and...
Betty Boop prepares a bath for her little dog Pudgy. He has been playing by the fireplace in the coal, and is very...
Views: 52.4K
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Shared: 35 times
Betty Boop: Red Hot Mamma
It is cold and snowy outside Betty Boop's house. It is so cold that she has to light a fire and sleep in front of it....
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Betty Boop: Betty Boop's Ker-Choo
Tons of animals pile in to see the races. Koko the clown, Bimbo, and Betty Boop are some of the contestants to enter...
Views: 54.7K
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Betty Boop: Judge for a Day
Betty Boop encounters some of the most annoying pests on the way to work; inconsiderate people who don't care to annoy...
Views: 51.0K
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Betty Boop: Taking the Blame
etty brings home a cat for Pudgy to play with. The cat seems like a welcome companion at first, but it turns out it has...
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Betty Boop and Pudgy: Making Friends
Pudgy is feeling a little down and Betty begins to sing a song and give him some advice. She tells him he needs to get...
Views: 59.1K
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