Today in Cartoon HistoryDisney's The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is Released Fri Mar. 11, 1977 - Walt Disney's classic animated feature film The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is released.Robots is Released to Theaters Fri Mar. 11, 2005 - Twentieth Century Fox's computer animated feature film Robots is released to theaters, grossing $260 mil.
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ToonJet Classic Cartoon BlogTop 10 Best 3D Animated Films of all TimeWho doesn't like a good animated movie? The past few years have seen a boom in 3D animated movies, and I will try to sum up the best of the best of the least worst and leave out the worst of the most bad. On top of the latest and greatest, it includes a couple of the classics. The art and the industry have already begun to change and expand...
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Merrie Melodies: Little Lion Hunter
Out hunting in the jungle with his spear, African native boy Inki keeps narrowly missing his prey: a parrot, a giraffe,...
Views: 18.6K
Favorited: 9 times
Shared: 9 times
Merrie Melodies: My Green Fedora
A rabbit is told by his mother to watch out for his baby brother Elmer while she's out of the house, but a wolf has...
Views: 16.4K
Favorited: 6 times
Shared: 4 times
Merrie Melodies: Hamateur Night
It's amateur night at the local theatre, and a procession of bad acts comes and goes: various musicians, a magician,...
Views: 15.7K
Favorited: 3 times
Shared: 4 times
Merrie Melodies: The Miller's Daughter
Ceramic figurines come to life after one of them is knocked over and broken by the household cat. (IMDb)
Views: 15.7K
Favorited: 2 times
Shared: 0 times
Merrie Melodies: Why Do I Dream Those...
Rip Van Winkle and his dog get kicked out of his house by his wife for being lazy, and he has to find something...
Views: 17.0K
Favorited: 2 times
Shared: 5 times